
May 2018 — August 2018 | San Francisco, US

Company Overview

Vendini, later acquired by AudienceView, was a San Francisco-based ticketing software company targeting theaters, festivals, and universities. I coordinated the inbound marketing, trade shows, and generating Salesforce reports for the sales team.

My Role: Marketing and Tradeshow Intern
Key Responsibilities: Leads Management, Salesforce Administration, Tradeshow Management, Contract Negotiation

The Problem

The company lost its employee who was in charge of trade shows and needed somebody to coordinate the ongoing ones and negotiate renewal deals for upcoming events.

The Solution

Stepped-up and centralized the current contracts for trade shows, prepared and shipped collateral for the sales team, generated detailed reports for the sales team with leads they would need to contact before, during, and after trade shows, and negotiated contracts for upcoming events.

The Results

Recorded over 200 potential new leads.

Coordinated the 10-people sales team for 7 trade shows in the United States and Canada.

Proposed actionable improvements in Salesforce reporting for better analysis of inbound lead sources.

Negotiated a trade show contract with an approximate value of $20,000. The trade show, which happened after my departure, was a success for Vendini.


DonorsChoose.Org – Partnerships Management


Opportunity Weekend – Events & Marketing Management