
Is Your Brand Missing Out on

Customer-centricity is a marketing buzzword that will never get old. Being customer-centric is how you achieve product-market fit, but the journey is different for each organization, and there is no one ideal way to be customer-centric...

How Adopting an Entrepreneurial Mindset Can Help You Become a Better Job Candidate

I have been applying for jobs profusely in the past few months, and I had so many networking calls. I got rejected from some positions, and some of those calls didn’t exactly go the way I wanted them to...

My First Marketing Professor Was a Melon Merchant

As marketers, we always strive to be in learning-mode. Some might have studied psychology, some management but a common denominator seems to be the need to learn continuously as the newest trends strongly influence our work…

Why Instagram Is All About Asking Questions

Nowadays, Instagram has become a place where about a quarter of the content we are served consists of advertisements…

Creative Fundraising - A Teacher's Success Story

For years I have been passionate about fundraising and about finding out how you can differentiate your campaign from the rest. This week, I witnessed a very inspiring story that I think is worth sharing…

What I've Learned About Leadership

Growing up I always strived to learn more about how teams work and how I can motivate people to work together toward a common goal. Reading about leadership inspired me. My favorite book in the field was John Maxwell’s “21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.”…

Why I Deleted LinkedIn

This is not one of those "I feel so proud to let you know..." articles. At this moment I feel the need to show my LinkedIn community my vulnerable side. So often we feel like this platform is the destination we go only to share the good news in our lives but for me, it is not one of those days…

6 Tips for the First Week of Your Internship

Did you ever have a full-time internship? I had my first internship this summer, and I must confess, the start was rough. It doesn't have to be like that…